27 vignettes symbolizing some of the most famous books in world literature
Some of the most famous authors of world literature, illustrated for this card game along with 27 icons symbolizing their major works, which can partly be seen here. Client: arsEdition
Cover Design & Portraits
Vivienne Westwood
Fashion People
Cover Stadtrevue
Client: Achtung Mode
Corporate Design, Austellungsdesign & Illustrationen. In Zusammenarbeit mit Ruth Biniwersi, Caroline Kaiser (projekt2508) und Klaus Hollenbeck Client: Hollenbeck Architektur; Stadt Düren
Collagen, Client: Zeit Magazin, Fotos: Julia von der Heide
Fashion Portraits
Portrait of Anne Hidalgo
Monthly newsletter portrait,Client: And She Was Like: BÄM!
Podcast Cover designMascha Jacobs talks to authors about the books of their lives in her podcast DEAR READER.Client: Burg Hülshoff
And She Was Like: BÄM!
Cologne Gastro Guide
The Princess Stereotype Client: Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Problems are great
Podcast Cover Typo Hadnet Tesfai und Tarik Tesfu are talking about pop culture and politics. Tratsch & Tacheles on spotify
Monthly newsletter portrait, Client: And She Was Like: BÄM!
Client: Landkreis Esslingen
A Birthday Book A Birthday Book
Cologne Spirit Selected images Client: Brewery Früh
Wöchentliches Portrait für die GQ-Kolumne “Meine Herrschaften” von David Baum
Jahrbuch 2013
Jahrbuch 2014